
                     (ISSN: 2582-1601)

Call For Paper July 2024

International Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Studies (IJAHSSS), initiate a call for research paper in Humanities and Social Sciences areas every month. From original research papers, survey papers, case studies and academic or scholarly articles to extended versions of previously published papers in conferences, scholarly journal or academic peer reviewed international journals; we welcome high quality work that focuses on research, development and application in the aforesaid areas.

Important dates

Paper Submission Deadline 20 July 2024  
Acceptance / Rejection Notification 4 to 5 days  
Paper Online Publication 30 July 2024  

Digitally Signed E-certificate

All the authors get digital certificate afer publishing his/her research paper within 24 hours.
© 2016 International Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Studies (IJAHSS) . All rights reserved.